Monday, April 30, 2012
On my Mind! :/
Today is not going very good, because I didn't get much sleep last night. I am tired and don't want to be at school. I am so ready for school to be over with and summer to be here! I just want to be able to sleep in until whenever, and be able to hangout with my friends whenever. There is other stuff on my mind but I won't say it because it may make some people mad.
Monday, April 23, 2012
Yes, I have a facebook account and I only use it to see what my family is up to. I don't like listening to all the drama by all the dumb people, and I usually only get on every couple days. I think that all the millions of people that get on it is to use it for communicating, and posting their feelings. I think that people just say stuff that they are randomly doing like "walking my dog, sitting on the couch, ect." I think that using facebook for me is good because I have family in Clinton, Michigan, South Carolina, Tennesse, Kentucky, and New York. I want to be able to kep in touch with the, even though I don't know them all that well. Three poistives: communicating from long distances, new video calling, and seeing recent things people have done. Three negatives: DRAMA, cyber-bullying, and you can put pictures on that you are practically naked in :( thats gross and not everyone wants to see it. On facebook you can have hundreds of friends, but in real life you are only gonna remember a couple of your bestfriends. I think people may think, the more friends, the more popular they are.
Monday, April 16, 2012
Story Time
There is nothing better than..... my family. My family is always there for me when I need them, and they help me through anything. This summer right after school gets out I am going to South Carolina to my grandparents house. My family are the best people I know, with an exception of some people that aren't my family. I love my family, and don't want to lose anyone. I won't name that one person that is an exception. :)
Friday, April 13, 2012
Monday, April 9, 2012
Collage NOT College
This is my shape collage of Michigan basketball becuase they are good, and I love Michigan. My background is a basketball because it is about the Michigan basketball team.
Spring Break!
This year my spring break was pothetic, I didn't do anything because I had to stay home and watch my little sister. All week i would just sit around and watch television, or do what my parents told me to do. I ate lots of food for easter and had some good deserts.
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